
  1. C. Valkenburg, D.E. Slot, E.W. Bakker, G.A. Van der Weijden. What is the effect of dentifrice on the removal of plaque? A systhematic review.  Submitted to Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

  2. Marinus Winters, Maarten H Moen, Wessel O Zimmermann, Robert Lindeboom, Adam Weir, Frank JG Backx, Eric WP Bakker. The medial tibial stress syndrome score: a new patient-reported outcome measure. Br J Sports Med. 2015. pii: bjsports-2015-095060.

  3. Willem A. Kernkamp, Samuel K. van de Velde, Eric W.P. Bakker, Ewoud R.A. van Arkel. Anterolateral Extra-articular Soft Tissue Reconstruction in Anterolateral Rotatory Instability of the Knee. Arthroscopy Techniques, Vol. 4, Issue 6, e863–e867

  4. Therese Elkerbout, Dagmar Slot, Eric Bakker, Friedus van der Weijden. The effect of dentifrice with and without SLS on the anti-plague efficacy of a chlorhexidine mount rinse. A systematic review. Int J Dent Hyg. 2015 doi: 10.1111/idh.12125.

  5. E. Van der Sluijs, D.E. Slot, E.W.P. Bakker, G.A. van der Weijden. The effect of rinsing or drinking on Morning Bad Breath. A randomized clinical trial. Int J Dent Hyg. 2015 doi: 10.1111/idh.12149

  6. Augustinus B.M. Laudy, Eric W.P. Bakker PhD, Mark Rekers, Maarten H. Moen. Effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma injections in osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(10):657-72

  7. Marinus Winters MSc, Michel Eskes MSc, Adam Weir MD PhD, Maarten H. Moen MD Ph, Frank J.G. Backx MD PhD,Eric W.P. Bakker PhD. Treatment of medial tibial stress syndrome: a systematic review. Sports Med. 2013;43(12):1315-33

  8. Eduard J. de Valk, Eric W.P. Bakker, Rob Tamminga, Marinus Winters, Maarten H. Moen, Henk van der Hoeven. Preoperative patient and injury factors of successful rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction with single bundle techniques. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arthroscopy. 2013;29(11):1879-95

  9. Marinus Winters MSc, Hannah Veldt  MD, Eric W.P. Bakker PhD, Maarten H. Moen MD PhD. Intrinsic factors associated with medial tibial stress syndrome in athletes: a large case-control study. SAJSM vol. 25; 3 2013

  10. Mark van Velzen MSc, Eric WP Bakker PhD, Wilco CH Jacobs PhD,  Wilco C Peul MD, PhD, Cees Lucas, PhD. Psychosocial risk factors for an unfavourable outcome after lumbar disc surgery due to sciatica; a systematic review. Submitted for publication

  11. Risk factors for meniscal tears. A systematic review with meta-analysis. Barbara A.M. Snoeker, Eric W.P. Bakker, PhD, Cornelia A.T. Kegel, MSc, Cees Lucas, PhD. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2013;43(6):352-67

  12. Maarten Hendrik Moen, Leonoor Holtslag, Eric Bakker, Carl Barten, Adam Weir, Johannes L Tol and Frank Backx. The treatment of medial tibial stress syndrome in athletes; a randomized clinical trial. Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy & Technology 2012, 4:12 doi:10.1186/1758-2555-4-12

  13. N.W.D. van Maanen-Schakel, D.E. Slot, Dr. E.W.P. Bakker, G.A. Van der Weijden The effect of an oxygenating agent on chlorhexidine-induced extrinsic tooth staining: a systematic review. Int J Dent Hyg. 2012;10(3):198-208

  14. Bulder BAG, Moen MH, Weir A, Bakker EWP, Tol JL. VO2max meting bij voetballers. Sport en Geneeskunde 01/2011; 44(1):14-20

  15. Moen MH, Bongers T, Bakker EW, Weir A, Zimmermann WO, van der Werve M, Backx FJ. The additional value of a pneumatic leg brace in the treatment of recruits with medial tibial stress syndrome; a randomized study. J R Army Med Corps. 2010;156(4):236-40

  16. Risk factors and prognostic indicators for medial tibial stress syndrome. Moen MH, Bongers T, Bakker EW, Zimmermann WO, Weir A, Tol JL, Backx FJ. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2012;22(1):34-9

  17. Weir A, Darby J, Inklaar H, Koes B, Bakker E, Tol JL. Core stability: inter- and intraobserver reliability of 6 clinical tests. Clin J Sport Med. 2010;20(1):34-8

  18. Eric W.P. Bakker, Arianne P. Verhagen, Emiel van Trijffel, Cees Lucas , Bart W. Koes. Spinal mechanical load as a risk factor for low back pain: a systematic review of prospective cohort studies..Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2009;34(8):E281-93

  19. Weir A, Veger SA, Van de Sande HB, Bakker EW, de Jonge S, Tol JL. A manual therapy technique for chronic adductor-related groin pain in athletes: a case series. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2009;19(5):616-20

  20. Eric W.P. Bakker MSc, Arianne P. Verhagen PhD, Emiel van Trijffel MSc, Cees Lucas PhD, Hans J.C.M.F. Koning, Bart W. Koes PhD. Individual Advice in Addition to Standard Guideline Care in Patients with Acute Non-Specific Low Back Pain. A survey on feasibility among physiotherapists and patients. Man Ther. 2009 Feb;14(1):68-74

  21. Eric W.P. Bakker MSc, Arianne P. Verhagen PhD, Cees Lucas PhD, Hans J.C.M.F. Koning, Bart W. Koes PhD. Spinal Mechanical Load: a Predictor of Persistent Low Back Pain? A prospective cohort study. Eur Spine J. 2007;16(7):933-41

  22. Eric W.P. Bakker MSc, Arianne P. Verhagen PhD, Cees Lucas PhD, Hans J.C.M.F. Koning Pt, Rob J. de Haan PhD, Bart W. Koes PhD. Daily Spinal Mechanical Loading as a Risk Factor for Acute Non-Specific Low Back Pain. ‘A case-control study using the 24 Hour-Schedule’. Eur Spine J. 2007;16(1):107-13

  23. Eric WP Bakker PT MT, Hans JCMF Koning PT, Arianne P Verhagen PT PhD, Bart W Koes PhD. Interobserver Reliability of the 24-Hour Schedule in Patients with Low Back Pain. Phys Ther. 2003;83(7):608-16

  24. Struijs PAA, MSc; Damen PJ, MSc; Bakker EWP; Blankevoort L, PhD, Assendelft WJJ, MD, PhD ; van Dijk CN, MD, PhD. Manipulation of the wrist for treatment of tennis elbow. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2003;26(4):226-32


Spinal Mechanical Load, a riskfactor for non-specific low back pain?


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